Incorporating movement and strength training into your cash based chiropractic practice is the BEST thing you can do to improve patient outcomes and add value to your practice. Learn five reasons you should add strength training into your cash based practice today.
Read MoreHow you communicate your prices is often more important than the prices themselves. Learn how to confidently communicate your prices to increase the likilihood that your new patients say yes to your care.
Read MoreLearn 3 easy ways to earn more money as a cash based chiropractor - without needing a single new patient.
Read MoreSwitching from an insurance based clinic to a cash only practic can be scary. You've worked hard to build your patient base and you don't want lose them all by making the switch. In fact, I would say that this fear is what keeps most chiropractors from making the switch. In this article I outline three things to keep in mind to help you keep your patients while making the switch from insurance to cash based chiropractic clinic.
Read MoreHaving the right mindset is the most important thing a cash based chiropractor needs to succeed in practice. Looking back over the course of my career I realized that their were a few area where I had a poor mindset starting out. In this article I’ll look at three areas that an improved mindset can set you up for success as a cash based chiropractor.
Read MoreA good customer devlopment strategy build comfort, trust, and confidence in your services BEFORE a patient steps foot in your office. In this article we look at 3 things that should be included in a cash based chiropractor’s customer development strategy.
Read MoreWhen I start working with new doctors the FIRST thing they want to know is what they should do for marketing. Facebook? Google? Which marketing company? The first advise I give when it comes to marketing a cash based chiropractic clinic is to pump the breaks! There is a lot to be put in place for any marketing strategy will be successful.
Read MoreFor most people pain isn’t the problem. How pain impacts their life is the real problem. When patient’s now you care, understand their problem at a deeper level, and that you’re the person to solve that problem they will be happy to pay for your out-of-network services.
Read MoreOne of the lessons I learned earlier on in my career as a cash based chiropractor is that, in general, people HATE spending money on their health. They would much rather go on vacation, buy a boat, or go out to dinner than invest in a program to improve their health. Which means you, as a cash based chiropractor, have to limit reasons a new patient might say ‘no’ to your offer. One easy way for a patient to say no to your program is when they are confused by what you’re offering.
Read MoreMany new cash based chiropractors make the mistake of thinking that patients only care about using their insurance. While that may to true in a minority of people, most simply want answers to one question. “CAN YOU FIX MY PROBLEM?” If they trust that you can fix their problem, they will be happy to pay cash for your service.
Read MorePicking your target market is an important first step for the cash based chiropractor. But as you’re choosing who you can best help it’s important to ask, is it possible to pick the wrong target market?
Read MoreOne of the most important things you can do to set your cash based chiropractice is to pick prices that will allow your clinic to grow. Too low and you won’t be able to pay employees or invest in other aspects to grow your business. Too high and you may price out people who otherwise be interested in working with you. Learn more about how to set the right prices for your chiropractic practice.
Read MoreYour website is most people’s first interaction with your clinic. A good chiropractic website will make it crystal clear who you help, build trust, create desire, and make it easy for any potential client to contact you. Avoiding the following mistakes will help you make a good first impression and increase the likelihood that your website visitors will reach out to learn more.
Read MoreThe benefits to a cash based chiropractic clinic are endless. Really…I had to stop myself at five reasons to avoid writing a 10 page long essay about how freeing yourself from the headaches of the insurance world will improve every aspect of your life, business, and the lives of your patients.
Read MoreBeing out of network does not mean that clients won’t be able to be reimbursed for your care. The Superbill is an amazing tool for the Cash Based Chiropractor and is something you are going to want to provide to your clients. It allows you to be paid upfront for your services and for your client to be reimbursed for your care. The best of both worlds.
Read MoreThe report of findings is the most important conversation you’re going to have with a potential new patient. It’s your chance to get the patient to buy in to your plan of care. In chiropractic school they teach you to go over your diagnosis and explain the benefits and risks of treatments. Which is a good thing to do, but doesn’t move the conversation toward getting the patient to commit to a cash pay plan of care.
The following are three keys to a successful report of finding that converts into paying patients.
Read MoreThe first phone call the the most important interaction for the cash based chiropractor. The purpose is make sure the person will be a good fit for your clinic and shift the conversation from ‘pain’ to deeper concerns and emotional drivers. This will help improve future conversations so clients know you truly understand their problem and increase the likelihood that they become paying patients. In this article we look at the five most important questions a cash based chiropractor can ask on the very first phone call.
Read MoreI strongly believe that cash based chiropractic clinics are in the best interest of the doctor AND the patient. That freeing yourself from limitations placed put on you by insurance companies allows you to provide better care and get better outcomes for the people you care about. In this weeks article we discuss the top three benefits of opening a cash based chiropractic practice.
Read MoreDeveloping good communication skills is a must for the cash based chiropractor. To build your practice you will need to learn how to answer the quest ‘Do You Take My Insurance?’ in a way that gets potential clients excited to start with you. In this article we cover three of the most effective ways we’ve handled the question at our clinic.
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