3 Ways To Make More Money As a Cash Based Chiropractor (With No New Patients!)


Most chiropractors get into the field because they want to help people. As a result, they often feel guillty discussing ways to make more money. But the truth is, if you’re failing to bring in enough money to support your lifestyle it’s only a matter of time before you’re out of business of completely or burnt out and not enjoying your work. Both not good. In this article we’ll look at a few ways for you to increase the amount of money you make without needing to add a single new patient to your calender.

  1. Raise your Prices

    The easiest way to make more money is to raise your prices. Most cash based clinic drastically undervalue their services. As a result patients often undervalue their offering as well. Simply adding $5-$10 per visit can drastically improve your take home each month.

  2. Increase Number of Visits Per Patient

    It’s very difficult for a cash based chiropractor to be successful if patients are leacing after 2-3 sessions. Rather than building relationships with current patients who love your clinic you will always be relying on getting new patients in the door. This can get expensive an tiring.

    A better approach is to add more visits to yoru plan of care. This starts at the very first phone call when determing concerns and goals for care. Getting past ‘pain relief’ to solving deeper problems not only is more beneficial to the patient, but requires more time and more visits for your clinic. One patient that comes in for 8 visits is worth more than 3 patients who only come in for 2.

  3. Reactivate Old Patients

    A simple check in with clients who haven’t been in in a while is a great way to take home some more money. This check in not only lets the patients know that you’re thinking about them, but opens up the conversation to things that may be bothering them.

    If you offer massage, personal training or other services you can also increase you revenue by putting together a special offer. People love to save some money so an offer for one of these services can get some patients back in the door.

The best advise I can give is a reminder that the amount of money you make equates to the amount of value you bring to someone’s life. The more money you generate for your clinic, the more you’re helping yoru community. It’s a win/win for everyone involved.

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